YouTube Earnings Analytics Update (2018)

YouTube New Agenda

YouTube AdSense Performance Reports Inaccurate or Zero?
 Update: The YouTube AdSense performance reports have been restored FOR NOW. They will be removed again beginning next year (2018) so now is the time to get used to this fact. 

A couple of notes:

1. The YouTube AdSense reports have been inaccurate for a long time. Creators cannot simply use some sort of percentage to "guess" what their real statistics are. This is not only inaccurate but also misleading so to fix this they did this.

2. CTR% is not an indication of AdSense account health. Get that through your head today. Account health is a lot more complicated than staring at one statistic. Search Google for the term "invalid activity" and "AdSense disabled" for more information on that topic.

3. CPC is an irrelevant statistic. Creators cannot control the CPC. It is what it is. Know you are getting what your content is worth. To increase your earnings, increase the quality of your content.

Estimated vs. finalized earnings
Estimated revenue in YouTube Analytics may differ from finalized payments due to final adjustments and is modified at the end of the month to match. Estimated revenue does not include partner-sold or partner-served advertising revenue (you can contact your partner manager if you have questions).

This is the new update from google that YouTube Earnings will no more in Adsense. It will be displayed in YouTube Analytics Page. this update is for correction of CTR% issues and Estimated Balance. From 2018 this update will take place.

This Policy is announced to be implemented on the starting of the new Year 2018. This will help the creators to know the correct revenue they have earned from their YouTube Account.

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